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About Us

Our Mission:

"The Good Good Life OT exists to help our clients develop sustainable ways to maintain independence as they age to live a “good good life**.”

**“The Good Good Life” definition: the concept of not living an average life, but one full of passion, faith, and meaningful things that are important to the individual.

Core Values:



 Speaking faith and life over the business and everything it touches. Recognizing we are not in ultimate control but subject to God’s authority.



Have a teachable spirit. Allow yourself grace to make mistakes, but to learn from them.



Therapists with strong ethics; trustworthiness in practice.

Meet Our Owner!

The Good Good Life Occupational Therapy, LLC was founded by Dr. Alie Powell. Alie graduated from the University of St. Augustine with her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy in April of 2020. She lives with her husband in the Melbourne area.  The heart of The Good Good Life OT is birthed from a place of wanting help others create sustainable habits, roles, and routines in the daily flows of life, at both work and home. For therapists and patients alike this looks like being successful in the different life roles that we carry daily. (Mom, dad, sibling, caregiver, spouse, friend, co-worker, boss, etc.)


As an occupational therapist (OT), who loves to use the full scope of her practice, Alie spends her time working with the geriatric population. She loves to help clients build habits and routines through functional tasks. Sometimes that looks like exercise routines, discussing sleep habits, non-pharmaceutical approaches to pain, the topic of death/mourning/loss of loved ones, mental health battles, or balance training.

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